30 research outputs found

    Woodworking facilities: Driving efficiency through Automation applied to major process steps

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    The investment scenario applied to forestry development analyzes the fundamental changes in the production structure, among other things. These changes refer to the priority development of the pulp and paper industry through the chain of large-scale woodworking facilities, where pulp, paper and cardboard manufacturing plants are the key links. Such facilities include sawmilling facilities, wood-processing factories, and timber factories. Those provide a significant economic benefit, so improving them is one of the top priorities. Considering this priority is the purpose of this article. The goal was achieved using common and scientific research methods, including mathematical modeling. Theoretical research resulted in three sets of formulas adapted for evaluating the pulpwood barking from theoretical findings on image recognition. © 2018 Authors

    Method of variational calculation of influence of the propulsion plants of forestry machines upon the frozen and thawing soil grounds

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    The forests, which grow in the conditions of complete expansion of the perpetually frozen ground, are unique forests in accordance with their taxational characteristics, quality indicators of the felled timber, and the ecological functions, which these forests perform in the nature. They are characterised by the low biological productivity, as well as by the high vulnerability due to climatological changes and human economic activities. It is fair to say that conservation of the permafrost is one of the main functions of the forests, which grow within the cryolithozone. Because of this, it is necessary to ensure special regimes for the forestry management and forest exploitation within the forests of the cryolithozone. We formulated the variational problem in order to determine influence of the changeability of the physical and mechanical properties of the thawing soil ground at the boundary with the permafrost ground. © 2019 SERSC

    Automated system for diagnosing craniocerebral injury

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    A Russian national computing and communication system designed to assist non-specialized physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of craniocerebral injury is described

    Associating anxiety and depression in quantitative evaluation using HADS in patients with anxiety symptoms

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    The current research aimed at finding out correlations between clinically proved complexes of anxiety symptoms of varying genesis and anxiety and depression quantitatively assessed using HADS as well as finding out interrelations of anxiety and depression as evaluated using HADS in complex anxiety symptoms within the structure of various forms of mental disorders. 100 patients, both male and female, underwent clinical investigation. Mental disorders were diagnosed in accordance with research and diagnostic ICD-10 criteria. Anxiety and depression severity were evaluated according to HADS. Anxiety severity was significantly associated with other phobic and anxiety disorders and with prolonged depressive reaction resulting from maladaptation. Depression severity assessed according to HADS was highly and positively associated with depressive episode of average severity accompanied by somatic disorders, with some other somatoform disorder, other mixed anxiety disorders, paranoid schizophrenia (episodic type), paranoid and dissocial personality disorders. High degree of anxiety and depression interrelation (HADS) was observed for the sample group as a whole and for particular clinically proved complexes of anxiety symptoms of various genesis.Целью исследования было выявление корреляционных связей клинически очерченных тревожных симптомокомплексов разного генеза с количественно оцененными по госпитальной шкале тревоги и депрессии (HADS) тревогой и депрессией, а также интеркорреляций тревоги и депрессии по HADS при тревожных симптомокомплексах в структуре разных форм психической патологии. Клинически исследовано 100 пациентов обоего пола. Психические расстройства диагностировались в соответствии с исследовательскими диагностическими критериями МКБ-10. Выраженность тревоги и депрессии оценивалась по HADS. Выраженность тревоги по HADS была значимо ассоциирована с другими фобическими и тревожными расстройствами и с пролонгированной депрессивной реакцией, обусловленной расстройством адаптации. Выраженность депрессии по HADS высоко и значимо позитивно ассоциирована с депрессивным эпизодом средней степени тяжести с соматическими симптомами, с другим соматоформным расстройством, с другими смешанными тревожными расстройствами, с параноидной шизофренией (эпизодическим типом течения), с параноидным и диссоциальным расстройствами личности. Обнаружена высокая степень интеркорреляции тревоги и депрессии (HADS) для выборки в целом и для отдельных клинически очерченных тревожных симптомокомплексов разного генеза


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    The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 21-58-53044

    Using E-Learning Tools to Enhance Students- Mathematicians’ Competences in the Context of International Academic Mobility Programmes

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    Introduction. The article is concerned with the use of special electronic teaching tools to increase the students’ understanding of the subject and adaptation to the professional language environment of the host country, taking into account the mathematical education. Our purpose is to develop a methodology of multilingual support of mathematical courses in the host country to improve the effectiveness of students’ academic mobility using e-learning tools. Materials and Methods. The basis of the research was methods of system analysis and descriptive and analytical methods, primarily experimental. To identify advantages of the proposed approach the methods of empirical research were used (observation and comparison). To prove the efficiency, classical methods of measurement were used. Results. We analyzed the existing electronic learning environments and defined an e-learning environment Math-Bridge that allows for creating mathematical courses in several languages in parallel. For example, the e-training course “Optimization Methods” was developed in three languages for training Russian-speaking Master programme students. The comparative analysis of the target and control student’s groups showed that 100 % of the students in the target group achieved an excellent level of mastering competencies, while the control group has only 75 %. For the control group, the degree of motivation to mathematical studying has not virtually changed (increase by 0,86 %). In the target group the level of student interest to the mathematics increased from 0,9 % to 8,9 % (mean 2.21 %). Discussion and Conclusion. The results described in the article will be useful for the staff of international departments, administrations and deans, as well as teachers of those universities that participate in the students’ international academic mobility programmes

    Formation of the clinical thinking of future doctors in the process of solving tasks of clinical psychological diagnosis in patients with cancer urological disease

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    The article discusses the quality of the education of future doctors in the medical school. The clinical thinking and its formation in the process of solving tasks of clinical psychological diagnosis and screening processing of empirical data on individual-psychological features and risk factors of violations of social and psychological adaptation of urological patients with cancer pathology considered as the basis of training.В статье обсуждаются вопросы качества образования будущих врачей в медицинском вузе. В качестве основы профессиональной подготовки рассматривается клиническое мышление и возможности его формирования в процессе решения задач клинико-психологической скрининговой диагностики и обработки эмпирических данных об индивидуально-психологических особенностях и факторах риска нарушений социальной и психологической адаптации урологических пациентов с онкологической патологией

    Life events as antecedents and triggers of manifestation and recurrence of mental and somatic disorders

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the difference between the type of stressful life events, distressing feelings and coping strategies that precede mental and somatic disorders.Цель исследования – оценить разницу между типом стрессогенных жизненных событий, дистрессирующих чувств и копинг-стратегий, предшествующих рецидивами или манифестациям психических и соматических расстройств


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    Since 1960s UNIIM performs research in the field of needs in reference materials of composition and properties of substances and materials (RM) as well as develops it. During the research UNIIM has developed 757 types of RMs for metrological measurement assurance of factors of composition and properties of substance and materials for test laboratories of chemical, pharmaceutical, fuel, food industry, agriculture, metallurgy and ecological monitoring laboratories. List ofRMs enlarges thanks to development of UNIIM standards and transmission measurement facility from State standards of units. Taking into account the actual requirements in the field of measurements, the UNIIM's key destination is to assure the accuracy and the metrological traceability of measurements. The present-day system of RMs to be developed in UNIIM includes RMs of composition of inorganic and organic compounds and their solutions, fuels, stable isotopic materials, water, grounds, food products, biomaterials, nanomaterials, metals, alloys and other materials offerrous and non-ferrous industry, RMs of properties (thermodynamic, magnetic, physical-chemical, technical) of substances and materials. The present article considers history of RMs list development which were created by UNIIM and the strategy of this direction.Исследования в области мониторинга потребности в стандартных образцах состава и свойств веществ и материалов (СО), создание стандартных образцов УНИИМ проводит c 60-х годов ХХ века. За годы исследований УНИИМ разработал 757 типов СО для метрологического обеспечения измерений показателей состава и свойств веществ и материалов, предназначенных для испытательных лабораторий химической, фармацевтической, топливной, пищевой промышленности, сельского хозяйства, металлургии, лабораторий экологического мониторинга. Развитие номенклатуры СО, выпускаемых УНИИМ, неразрывно связано с развитием эталонной базы УНИИМ и формированием средств передачи измерительной возможности от государственных эталонов единиц величин. Учитывая современные требования в области измерений, ключевым предназначением СО УНИИМ является обеспечение точности и метрологической прослежи-ваемости измерений. Современная система СО, разрабатываемых и выпускаемых УНИИМ, включает СО состава неорганических и органических соединений и их растворов, топлив, стабильных изотопных материалов, воды, почвы, пищевых продуктов, биологических материалов, наноматериалов, металлов, сплавов и других материалов цветной, черной металлургии, СО свойств (термодинамических, магнитных, физико-химических, технических) веществ и материалов. Настоящая статья посвящена историческим этапам развития номенклатуры СО, разрабатываемых и выпускаемых УНИИМ, а также перспективам развития в этом направлении

    Associations of type D personality with ECG parameters

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    The aim of the study – to analyze the differences in ECG parameters in individuals with confirmed and unconfirmed type D personality based on the results of the questionnaire.Цель исследования – проанализировать различия в параметрах ЭКГ у лиц с подтвержденной и неподтвержденной личностью типа D по результатам анкетирования